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When you drink water correctly filtered, your body feels better:
After ten years of research and testing, we've curated the group of products that work best and are proven to work best and that are honestly priced.
We've spent over 10 years researching water systems, so you don't have to.
Don't be stopped by product confusion. We guide you to the right products that will work best for you.
It’s a fact not all water is created equal. When you drink filtered energized water your body feels much better.
We believe finding great water should be EASY. That’s why we launched EasyWater.
Most Australian tap water contains traces of harmful chemicals, heavy metals, detergents, and pesticides.
Over time, these elements accumulate in your body, reducing your vitality — even shortening your life.
Water filtration products have been around for years, but there are countless products on the market, each claiming to be the final word. Making sense of it takes more time than you have.
We believe finding great water should be EASY. That’s why we launched EasyWater.
We’ve curated a collection of filtration products tailored for Australian water conditions so that you can easily find and purchase the right water solution for you.
Stop drinking tap water tainted with harmful, invisible contaminants. Start hydrating with truly great water. Your body will change for the better!
Follow our instructions to do it yourself, or hire a recommended installer.
Over time healthy hydration improves your body and mind. Start today.
We guarantee it! If, during the first 90 days, you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, return the products and we will give you a no-questions-asked refund.
“If you can’t feel the difference then you shouldn’t be disadvantaged by trusting us and what we said” – Jody Spencer, Founder of Boom!
With nothing to lose except the opportunity to feel great - Order Now